Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What is this?

What do you call this:

We had a rather energetic debate in my office about this, up to and including raised voices and thinly-veiled insults. I've always called them 'roundabouts' since that is how the locals called them in all the various places I've encountered them (mostly overseas). My opponents here are quite sure the name is "rotary."
What say you?

I won't even tell you how much taxpayer money was spent on this debate...


James said...

I've always known it as a roundabout, but a quick look at Urban Dictionary and I might start calling it a rotary from now on.

John said...

I vote roundabout. I've never heard of rotary. I hope James doesn't start using it.

Kinda like huggies and koozies.

LCA said...

I have built a few of these and we refer to them as "traffic circles." I have heard English and Austrialian guys that work with me refer to them as roundabout's but never anything else.

jonesy975 said...

We have a ton of these in nashvegas. My garmin calls them roundabouts.

DP said...

Jonesy, when did you get to Nashvegas?? Hell man we need to get together sometime.