Wednesday, August 5, 2009

office pranks

Office Pranks

I put this on facebook and James reminded me of the cause of the story...

HardCore was in the single room in Suite 1 and apparently had been a good little student alllll semester. As a result, he was going getting out of all his finals. He was very excited by this and opted to share that fact...alot. So, he left as the rest of us were studying away. Word to the wise: don't brag about you skipping finals and then leave your room unprotected for days.

I believe it was Ben that had the Reflector delivery route. And for a week, the eager young minds on his route had to go elsewhere for their thrice-weekly campus news, for all those bundles of paper had a higher purpose. A great brotherhood event was called after chapter meeting. Someone trusted with the keys to all the rooms violated that trust, for the greater good, and broke into Hardcore's room. For hours, brothers took turns filling every space from floor to ceiling with wadded up Reflectors. Cheap newspaper ink was on many hands, but a good deed was done.

Hardcore returned and was milling around the courtyard...somewhat puzzled that most of the chapter came down to welcome him back. The magic moment approached as he walked to his door, looking over his shoulder quizzically as the suite was just about filled with brothers watching his grand entrance. The recently violated lock accepted it's true owners key, and, with a flourish, the door opened, and Reflectors fell like an avalanche. Good times, indeed.

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