Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hahhaha....Holy Cow

Just to let you know how far I have progressed. I will be teaching a session or two of a graduate level class at Iowa State University this fall. How kick ass is that? Those poor lumps of grey mush won't know what hit them.


James said...

They teach a course in homosexuality at Iowa State?

LCA said...

I can definitely say that you were not the best influence on my academic career... making me drink a whole bottle of Baily's the night before an 8:00 chemistry placement exam is one example I can recall. The guy sitting next to me that morning just looked at me and shook his head. I ended up dropping that class, using one of the three super audits we used to have.


John said...

Yeah, I agree with the bad influence comment. Are they going to pay you in corn?