Friday, January 23, 2009

Now I Know Where Luke Gets It

Note:  Most of the links in this posting would be considered NSFW (unless you are Ben or John)

Lukey Love is arguably the best rapper in the Phatboys. I can remember many a night jamming to his free styling back in the day.

The other day headed back to the office from Popeye's for lunch; I had the pleasure of entertaining some of my co-workers with The Last Mr. Bigg "Trial Time" (a.k.a. - JT and Lisa's wedding song; a.k.a. - take that sh!t to trial).  Side note: check out these dudes on YouTube.  My favorite part is when he imitates the mother telling him it's hot down here.

Back to the story.  This prompted a ton of questions about the slang, Mr. Bigg's life, and other things that I'm not sure about.  Out of curiosity (and since I didn't have John, the source of most of my hip-hop knowledge) I checked to see what I could find out about The Last Mr. Bigg on Wikipedia

Lukey Love is from LA (Lower Alabama).  Mr. Bigg is from LA.  Coincidence...I think not.  Now we know where Luke gets his mad rappin' skills...from his cousin, Mr. Bigg.

I also want to point out that Mr. Bigg sports a $100K diamond in place of his left eye.  If you continue reading the article it says that Mr. Bigg lays claim to one of the most ghetto songs of all time called "Long Hair".  I probably need to hear the song a few more times before I'm completely sold, but there are some choice lyrics you should check out.  I won't dirty up this blog by posting them here, but I know Lukey's new slogan should be:
So throw your hands in the m f'ing air
And show some love to an Alabama playa

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